|ŻŻŻŻŻ\ |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ |ŻŻŻŻŻ| |Ż\ | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ |ŻŻŻŻŻ| Ż\ /Ż |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ |Ż\ | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ |ŻŻŻŻ) | | | | |Ż\ | ŻŻŻ|ŻŻŻ |_____/ |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ | | | | \_| ŻŻŻŻŻ| | |ŻŻŻŻŻ| \/ |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ | \_| | ŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ |ŻŻŻŻ\ |ŻŻŻŻŻ| |_____| | \_| | ŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ ,...__________________________________..., 30 functional Talkboy or Talkgirl 6 | 81 your team going into Ceasars Palace in a cardboard trojan horse 10 | | DEFCON 24 Scavenger Hunt | | 31 model volcano that erupts pudding 5 | 82 bring us a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man 9 |[]| |[]| 32 Casio F-91W watch 4 | 83 a team member accurately camoflauged somewhere in the hotel 2 | | Judges | | 33 give Taylor Banks some DEFCON 21 swag 5 | 84 poster of goatse hello.jpg, minimum 2'x3', delivered to OpenCTF 10 | | BIOM, Clarke, DualD, EvilMoFo, | | 34 HDTV that never had HDMI input 9 | 85 win something besides money from a casino 4 | | Kaybz, Sconce, Zhora | | 35 Lucha Libre in the Cafe Arcade 4 | 86 kiss Priest's cheek while wearing red lipstick 10 | | | | 36 join a nudist colony 4 | 87 your entire team cheering at the end of a talk using vuvuzellas 5 | | Rules | | 37 act out a Yelp review 3 | 88 libary card issued with the name "Scavenger Hunt" 8 | | 1 the judges are always right, | | 38 bring us a dashboard that isn't virtual 9 | 89 wear cargo pants with 24 pounds worth of cargo in the pockets 5 | | your argument is invalid | | 39 20 of somthing you can't own 4 | 90 order a quarter pounder with cheese in French from McDonalds 1 | | 2 not our problem | | 40 call a payphone, talk to a stranger 1 | 91 excuse slip for missing school/work/etc, signed by Dark Tangent 6 | | 3 make it weird | | 41 snow blower 8 | 92 at the table, swish (1 minute) and spit a 12ml bottle of Anbesol 4 | | | | 42 a one armed stripper 3 | 93 new year's glasses from a year prior to 2010 6 | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ | 43 a cellphone with a monochrome screen 2 | 94 a thermal image of a teammate eating ice cream 5 | __________________________ | 44 lds temple made out of shotglasses 6 | 95 your entire team doing a BangFit exercise 10 | | ____ | | | 45 relax in a hammock, in the contest area 4 | 96 communicate between the roofs of two buildings 5 | | | | | | | 46 condom launcher 5 | 97 a piece of cheese autographed by Richard Cheese 8 | | | | | | | 47 give a speaker to a speaker 4 | 98 how do magnets work? explain dressed as a Juggalo or Juggalette 6 | //|.| | | | | | | | 48 TSA master keys (point per key, 7 max) 1 | 99 all team members change their hair color (no wigs) 2 | \\|'| | | | | | V | 49 phone number for an elevator phone 9 | 100 give a field sobriety test to Siviak and Salem 6 `. _| '----' | _| | 50 have Queercon throw a parade for you 3 | 101 paint Eddie the Yeti like one of your French girls 3 ŻŻŻŻŻ '----------------------'ŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ 51 a shopping cart in a shopping cart 5 | 102 walk from registration to our table in 6 inch heels 6 1 give a DARE shirt to John McAfee 6 | 52 add midgets to a speaker's slide deck 6 | 103 hold hands in the bathroom with a stranger 6 2 a second aid kit 4 | 53 enter Circus Circus with a bunny 6 | 104 someone with a blue checkmark on Twitter at the judges table 3 3 Illuminati party sliders 7 | 54 a skeleton boner 2 | 105 get Peter Mayhew to reply to a Reddit post 6 4 3d printed 4th dimension 3.4 | 55 drink a non-newtonian fluid 7 | 106 play rock-paper-scissors with a pit boss 6 5 a piece of trinitite 8 | 56 check your privilege 1 | 107 project porn on a screen in the contest area (that isn't ours) 2 6 Jack, in a box 3 | 57 playboy magazine with a nude centerfold 2 | 108 get a haircut from Mohawk Con that isn't a mohawk 2 7 STD test results from July 2016 5 | 58 the sleeves from CJ's goon shirt 6 | 109 lockpick a chastity device that is being worn as intended 7 8 802.3mm of ethernet cable 2.6 | 59 a copy of your grade school report card 6 | 110 subscribe Ashley Schwartau to a magizine for a year 10 9 published map of the USSR 4 | 60 your team performing a lion dance 5 | 111 you have one attempt and 20 minutes to beat BIOM at chess 6 10 10 different types of balls 10 | 61 a printer from 1996 or earlier 3 | 112 current itemized room damage price list from the Alexis Park 7 11 a horse cock, horse optional 6 | 62 case of Surge, unopened 5 | 113 be a pirate in the pool; boat, flag, and eyepatch required 7 12 read the DEFCON 24 program 10 | 63 suckle the bronze wolf teat at Caesars 5 | 114 get the Car Hacking Village to validate your parking 2 13 give a team member an enema 4 | 64 a mechanical device to flip someone off 7 | 115 some people juggle geese, show us how (without harming any) 6 14 register with the apathy party 2 | 65 iluminated Uber & Lyft identifiers 7 | 116 selfie of a team member with a federal judge 8 15 giant inflatable pumpkin head 8 | 66 provide angry bitch medicine to LegitBS 6 | 117 a cube, at least 6", made entirely of q-tips and dental floss 6 16 matching tattoos 4 | 67 wax strip used on a team member 6 | 118 a team member covered in hand sanitizer, head to toe 7 17 a bunk bed 9 | 68 dress in lederhosen 3 | 119 a footlong that cost less than 5 dollars 1 18 1 pint of human pubic hair 10 | 69 working Palm Pilot PDA 2 | 120 setup a Halo 2 LAN party in the middle of Track 2 4 19 make a throne of games 4 | 70 eat milksteak 2 | 121 use an iron to cook a meal, eat it at the judges table 3 20 fucking machine 2 | 71 beat Kate Libby's Wipeout score 5 | 122 a team member in trunk of a las vegas taxi 2 21