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DEF CON China 1.0 Scavenger Hunt


The DEF CON Scavenger Hunt, though untraditional, has become the spirit of DEF CON. This contest is known for encouraging the hacker mentality and bringing it into uncommon and usually funny challenges. For newer hackers, non-technical hackers, or people looking to find a unique way to interact with the conference, we bring you the longest running contest at DEF CON! For over twenty years the original DEF CON Scavenger Hunt has challenged hackers to think outside of the box. Teams of one to five players compete Friday morning into Sunday, accumulating as many items and completing as many tasks as possible from the list. Will you be the next to stand among the legendary scavengers?


The list can be found here.

DC22 list page 1 DC22 list page 2

Final Scores

The winning team members were Dont Look, Scorch, Lady Marland, and Tottie.

DEF CON China 1.0 final scores